Posts By: Daniel Fonseca

Daniel Fonseca is a Honduran journalist and columnist. He covers issues related to human rights, migration and the environment. He has coordinated a team of 44 reporters in 16 countries to investigate housing access for women, children and LGTBIQ+ individuals. He was nominated for the 2023 Gabo Award and was a 2024 finalist for the Inter American Press Association's Award for Excellence in Journalism. His work has been published in 11 countries and translated into three languages. He lives in Tegucigalpa, where he reports and writes.

Daniel Fonseca es periodista y cronista hondureño. Cubre derechos humanos, migración, medioambiente y violencia. Coordinó a un equipo de 44 periodistas en 16 países para investigar el acceso a la vivienda para mujeres, jóvenes y personas LGTBIQ+. Fue nominado al Premio Gabo (2023) y finalista del Certamen a la Excelencia Periodística de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (2024). Su trabajo se ha publicado en 11 países y traducido a tres idiomas. Vive en Tegucigalpa, donde reportea y escribe

Colombia-Venezuela: How the Rapprochement is Going

CÚCUTA, Colombia — Sitting on different sides of a white line that marks the border between Colombia and Venezuela on the Atanasio Girardo bridge — previously known as “Tienditas” — […] Read More >