Tag: <span>January 8 Attack</span>

Unifying Brazil will be Lula’s biggest challenge in office

In the aftermath of Sunday’s violent riots in Brazil’s federal capital, which caused widespread damage to the seats of all three branches of power, prominent political figures were quick to […] Read More >

As post-riot arrests mount, far-right agitators call for “respect” for Lula

From his hotel bed in Monterrey, Mexico, journalist Oswaldo Eustáquio accepted a video call from The Brazilian Report. Judging by his relaxed demeanor, one would have a hard time believing […] Read More >

Instagram Account “Contragolpe Brasil” Identifies Jan. 8 Rioters

Mere hours after the start of the Jan. 8 riot at Three Powers Plaza, where the Brazilian government’s executive, legislative and judicial powers sit, Instagram account Contragolpe Brasil started posting […] Read More >

Brazil’s Jan. 8 Shows the Influence of Anti-Communist Rhetoric

It is clear Bolsonaro’s public crusade sowing doubt in the integrity of Brazil’s democracy and elections inspired protestors to attack the Brazilian capital on Jan. 8. But under this patina […] Read More >