Quechua Translation: 2 Dead After Flooding in Peru
April 17, 2019 By Jacquelyn Kovarik
RUNASIMIPI: Quechua, an Andean language, is the most commonly spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with thousands of speakers. Quechua is not actually called “Quechua” by speakers of the language. They call it “Runasimi” — which means “idoma de la gente” or “language of the people.”
The news below was translated from Spanish and English into Quechua by Jacquelyn Kovarik. She translated it for the capstone for her independent study project with Dr. Odi Gonzales, the director of the NYU Quechua Language Studies program while completing her dual Masters in Journalism and Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Visit our Quechua page to see more translations and stories related to the Quechua language.
The news originally came out Feb. 27, 2019.
Hatun lloqlla víctimakunamanta Perúpi
Qayna semanapi, miércoles 27 p’unchay febrero killapi, iskay runakuna wañupusqaku huk hatun lloqlla ukhupi, Huancavelica llaqtaneqpi. Septiembre killamantapacha, ña pisqa chunka runakunaña wañupuranku El Niñoq tormentankunarayku. Hatun hanpiq wasikuna, yachana wasikuna, hatun ñankuna, lluy chakakuna ima tuytusharanku. Waranqa aylluqkunaq wasinkuna kashasqaku chirmasqa. La Marina, Defensa Civil Perumanta ñisqa apachiranku equipokunata, maquinaríakunata ima Porta llaqtaman. Porta llaqta ñishuta tuytusharan.
2 dead after flooding in Peru
A landslide caused by intense rain left two people dead in the central city of Huancavelica, bringing the total to 50 people killed by El Niño storms since September 2018. Hospitals, schools, roads and bridges are inundated and the homes of thousands of families have been damaged. The Navy and The National Institute of Civil Defense have sent equipment and machinery to Porta, the northwest port which has endured the worst flooding.
Grandes inundaciones causan víctimas en Perú
Un derrumbe de tierras, causado por lluvias intensas, dejó dos personas muertas en la ciudad central peruana de Huancavelica. Con estas dos muertes, oficialmente 50 personas murieron por las tormentas de El Niño desde septiembre de 2018. Hospitales, escuelas, carreteras, y puentes fueron inundados, y las viviendas de miles de familiar fueron dañadas. La Marina y El Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil han enviado equipos y maquinaria a Porta, el puerto ubicado en la zona noroccidenal de Perú, que ha sufrido la peor de las inundaciones.