Quechua Translation: Ex-Officers Arrested in Killing of Marielle Franco, Brazilian Politician and Activist
April 17, 2019 By Jacquelyn Kovarik
RUNASIMIPI: Quechua, an Andean language, is the most commonly spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with thousands of speakers. Quechua is not actually called “Quechua” by speakers of the language. They call it “Runasimi” — which means “idoma de la gente” or “language of the people.”
The news below was translated from Spanish and English into Quechua by Jacquelyn Kovarik. She translated it for the capstone for her independent study project with Dr. Odi Gonzales, the director of the NYU Quechua Language Studies program while completing her dual Masters in Journalism and Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Visit our Quechua page to see more translations and stories related to the Quechua language.
The news originally came out March 12, 2019. The news was copied directly from the New York Times and translated into Spanish and Quechua.
Brasilera politica Marielle Franco wañuchiqkunata apachiranku carcelman
Oficial autoridadkuna hap’isqaku iskaynin policíakunata. Chay policíakunas wañuchinkuman karan chay sipasta. Pay llank’aran consejerahina Rio de Janeiropi. Kunantutamanta (12 de marzo, 2019) kay runakunata hap’iruranku huk wata hunt’a wañuchisqankumantapacha, chay rayku kay casomanta rimashanku hoqmanta.
Manaraq illarishaqtin, investigadorkuna apachiranku chay iskay runakunata custodiaman. Paykuna kanku Ronnie Lessa, Elcio Vieira de Queiroz ima. Autoridadkuna niranku, “Chay Lessa sutiyuq runan dispararan Marielle Francoq cochenman, pay purishaqtin cochepi, Rio llaqtapi, 14 marzo killapi, 2018 watapi,” nispa. Chaymanta, niranku, “Queiroz sutiyuq runa manejasharan cocheta, chay cochemantan Lessa sutiyuq runa dispararan,” nispa.
Ex-officers arrested in killing of Marielle Franco, Brazilian politician and activist
Law enforcement officials on Tuesday morning arrested two former police officers suspected of executing a Rio de Janeiro councilwoman — a breakthrough in a brazen political assassination that has haunted Brazilians for nearly a year.
Shortly before dawn, homicide investigators took into custody the two former military police officers, Ronnie Lessa and Elcio Vieira de Queiroz. In a statement, the authorities said Mr. Lessa opened fire on a car in which the councilwoman, Marielle Franco, was riding in downtown Rio on March 14, 2018. Mr. Vieira de Queiroz was driving the vehicle from which Mr. Lessa fired, the authorities said.
Ex-policías fueron arrestados por el asesinato de la política y activista brasileña Marielle Franco
Autoridades oficiales de la ley detuvieron el 12 de marzo, 2019, a dos ex-oficiales de las fuerzas armadas, sospechosas de asesinar a una consejera de Rio de Janeiro—un gran avance en el descarado asesinato político que ya había rondado a los brasileños por casi un año.
Poco antes de la madrugada, investigadores de homicidio detuvieron a los dos ex-oficiales de las fuerzas armadas, Ronnie Lessa y Elcio Vieria de Queiroz. En una declaración, las autoridades dijeron que el sr. Lessa disparó al coche en el que la consejera Marielle Franco estaba yendo por el centro de Rio, el 14 de marzo, 2018. El sr. Vieira de Queiroz estaba conduciendo el coche en el que el sr. Lessa iba cuando éste disparó, dijeron las autoridades.