Features, United States
Undocumented Immigrants Struggle To Find Work After College
May 19, 2010 By Julio Salgado

Photo by Neil Rivas.
LOS ANGELES — At the sight of two customers, Andres walks over to the register to take their food order.
It’s training day, which means that Andres will get no lunch break during his nine-hour shift. He’s manning the restaurant all by himself today and, on top of his regular duties, he has to train the new girl.
This is not the type of job most college graduates with degrees in Sociology and Chicano and Latino Studies dream of, but for Andres this is the best he can do.
Instead of looking for jobs where he can use his degrees, he must deal with customer indifference, no lunch breaks and little or no chance at finding a better job.
Growing up in Compton, Calif., Andres had the same hopes and dreams as any American kid. But that all changed when he tried to get a driver’s license.
“I remember being 15 years old and my dad telling me I wouldn’t be able to get my driver’s license because I was undocumented,” Andres says, of his immigration status. “At the time I didn’t know the gravity of the situation until one day I walk into my house after school and find my mom sobbing because my dad had been deported.”
In a country where laws like Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070 gives police officers the authority to ask for proof of legal U.S. residency, Andres is just one of the many young college graduates with a degree they can’t use due to their immigration status.
But is there any hope for these students at a time when even U.S.-born students can’t find jobs?
“In a bad economy it becomes a difficult argument because people are struggling,” says Roberto Gonzales, assistant professor at the school of social work at the University of Washington. “There will be people that make arguments that their parents broke the laws. But these students are put through this socializing mechanism that is school, which encourages them to be all you can be.”
The current version of the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), which is sponsored by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), would give students like Andres a path to citizenship.
Ira Mehlman, national media director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), doesn’t think that the DREAM Act is a good idea.
“Nobody is saying they’re bad people,” Mehlman says, regarding undocumented college graduates. “But if you look at the employment prospects for [U.S.-born] kids out of college, the last thing they need is competition.”
Gonzales, author of the report “Young Lives on Hold: The College Dreams of Undocumented Students,” says that competition is just one of the many things these students have learned in the U.S.
Like other students in his situation, Andres has been faced with this conundrum because of a decision made for him when he was just a toddler.
There isn’t a clear number as to how many undocumented college students graduate every year, but Claudine Karasik, an attorney from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), says that these students will not be taking jobs from U.S.-born college graduates.
“You have an entire population that wants to contribute to our economy,” Karasik says. “They’re using education as a vehicle to give back to society. They are a return of our investment.”
Andres was only three years old when his parents left their native Mexico and decided to make this country their home. A couple of years after his two younger sisters were born in the U.S., his parent’s work permit expired but they decided to stay.
“The bottom line is that their parents broke the law,” Mehlman says in reference to the fact that these students didn’t choose to come to the U.S. on their own. “There is no reason to make an exception here.”
His father eventually crossed the border again and through many years of waiting, managed to fix his status in the country. Despite having two U.S.-born sisters and a father with legal status in the country, both Andres and his mother are still unable to fix their immigration status.
Although Andres was accepted to the University of California-Santa Barbara, he opted for community college because he didn’t qualify for federal student aid. Community college was manageable because of California ‘s Assembly Bill 540, that allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition at community colleges and public universities in California. He would have paid in-state tuition at UCSB, but a community college was just more affordable for Andres.
Not Giving Up
Issac quickly walks into a packed hall on the UCLA campus, where all eyes are on U.S. short track speedskating team member and Olympic bronze medal winner Simon Cho. He scans the room for an empty chair and finally settles for an empty spot by one of the walls.
He listens intently as the Korean-born athlete tells the star-struck audience about the time he illegally crossed into the U.S. via the Canadian border when he was only four years old.
When the Q&A begins, Issac raises his hand and asks if Cho gets any negative reaction from people when he confesses that he was once an undocumented immigrant in the U.S.
“They say ‘Go back to Korea !'” Cho responds. “I feel that people that give me negative responses are very ignorant.”
Isaac’s own personal story reflects Cho’s. Although Isaac wasn’t as young as Cho when he came to this country from Mexico, at 14 years old he was still under his parent’s command.
He struggled to overcome the language barrier and deal with his expired visa, but Isaac nevertheless continued his quest for higher education after high school upon seeing how his parents went from quasi white-collar jobs in Mexico to menial jobs in the U.S.
Like Andres, Isaac took advantage of the AB 540 bill and enrolled in community college. He eventually transferred to a four-year university where he received a B.S. in Human Services.
Holding a photograph of his deported brother, Isaac remembers proudly walking with his cap and gown wondering what the future would hold for a college graduate without a permit to legally work in the country.
For a whole year after receiving his college degree, he went from books and all-nighters, to scrubbing toilets with his mother.
“I was very frustrated,” Isaac remembers. “A good number of them knew about our [immigration] status and they didn’t care.”
The frustration didn’t get the best of Isaac. He started to save up for grad school and was finally accepted in the UCLA School of Public Affairs as a Master of Social Work candidate.
Isaac is sure that if the DREAM Act or some sort of immigration reform happens, this country will benefit greatly.
A recent study by the Center for American Progress titled “Rising the Floor for American Workers: The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform” support his beliefs.
According to the study, a comprehensive immigration reform “would yield at least $1.5 trillion in cumulative U.S. gross domestic product over 10 years.” This study was based on the results from the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which raised wages and generated additional tax revenue.
Tomás R. Jiménez, an assistant professor of sociology at Stanford University, wrote last month in a L.A Times opinion piece that 1986 was the last time that the U.S. had a major immigration overhaul.
Hope For The Future
At the end of the dark immigration tunnel, you have college graduate Cyndi Bendezu. The UCLA graduate left Lima, Peru with her parents when she was only four years old and throughout her formative years, Benduzu wasn’t aware that she was an undocumented immigrant.
Like many other undocumented students, it wasn’t until she tried to apply for federal student aid that her dreams to go to college suddenly seemed to come to a halt. “I was so disappointed,” Benduzu says. “I graduated on top of my class but didn’t have enough money saved to go to college.”
Although money was a huge barrier for Benduzu, this factor didn’t entirely defer her dreams of a higher education. As soon as she found out that a four-year university was out of her affordability, she opted for community college thanks to the AB 540 bill, before eventually transferring to UCLA as a political science major.
“I got politicized and started lobbying for the DREAM Act,” Benduzu says. “I started to do presentations for colleges and high schools to educate our counselors who didn’t know about undocumented students and how they could go to college.”
When she wasn’t doing presentations and staying up late writing papers, she was babysitting and transcribing notes for Ph. D. students in order to supplement her income. After receiving a couple of scholarships that didn’t require a Social Security number to apply, she managed to graduate from UCLA in 2007.
Luckily for Benduzu, the immigration system worked in her favor. After living in the shadows for nearly ten years, she was able to legalize her immigration status through her family.
She received her green card this past January and was finally able to work legally in the country. She got a position as a project coordinator for the UCLA Downtown Labor Center where she continues to do educational outreach in her local community.
Benduzu says that it has been a strange process to realize that she is now legal in the U.S. For so many years, she had to watch her every step in fear of a possible deportation. But she still worries about the other students who haven’t had the opportunity to fix their immigration status.
All of these students became politically active and participated in the various rallies after the passage of SB 1070. Both Andres and Isaac know that deportation is just around the corner and that they expose themselves by being so outspoken about their status.
“I know a doctoral student whose mother got deported because of her [student] activism,” Gonzales says. “But the DREAM Act got a lot of endorsement in 2009 because of the organization of students. That wouldn’t be happening if it was just advocates.”
Karasik says that these students don’t have many other options but to be outspoken about their immigration dilemmas.
“They’re willing to risk everything they know to effect social change,” Karasik says. “Their willingness to speak out says much about their courage.”
Back at the restaurant, Andres looks at the customers coming and going. All of them young, Caucasian and, once they have their food, polite.
He’s positive that they have no idea what students like him have to go through in order to obtain a college degree. But despite all of the obstacles he’s had to endure, Andres is proud of his accomplishments.
“It’s a sheet of paper that says I have two majors,” Andres says about his college degree, which he gave to his parents. “But it also represents the conquering of a struggle.”
[…] article on the struggles faced by undocumented immigrants who have graduated from college in the United States by Juilo […]
Maybe these kids will learn a valuable lesson about skirting the laws and the consequences that follow. These kids can only blame their parents for making stupid, bad decisions and choices that have not effected others . Sorry but its hard to feel sorry when these illegals got years of free education and special perks to go to college, when they were not entitled to ANY benefits. If all had obeyed the laws they would not be in this situation. Maybe they should tell their fellow illegals their tales of woe, so others will quit being stupid and ruining their kids lives !
If the U.S. had a comprehensive and updated immigration legislation, then we wouldn’t be going through this, but seems that this country’s laws cannot open its eyes to the severity and importance for reform. As for the people who find themselves in such a desperate situation to leave their homes/native countries into a foreign land as a means to better themselves [albeit breaking the law] is not “stupid,” it is incredibly brave. I hope that Arizona’s despicable law is not indicative for the rest of the country’s future…
@Deborah: “Illegals” don’t get a “free education” or “special perks” of any kind; they can’t get financial aid because they’re undocumented. If anything, undocumented students have to work twice as hard to put themselves through school because so few resources- if any- are available for them.
So, while American kids whose parents CAN afford to provide a college education are getting scholorships and the governor’s waiver and all kinds of other “special perks” (only to drop out and get stoned in their parents living room until they’re 30), “illegals” are busting their asses doing jobs American kids are too lazy or think they’re too good for just to make ends meet and get a decent education.
Also, you’re racist and offensive.
@deborah undocumented students do not receive any perks when attending an institution of higher education. They do not receive financial aid and scholarships are not always available because many require that the applicants be U.S. citizens. AB540 is not a “perk” that only pertains to undocumented students, it also benefits out-of-state students. You also might want to inform yourself with issues of globalization that create an environment where people need to leave their country/family/home in order to survive.
Gracias, Julio keep writing and sharing untold stories.
There are many American student that cannot go to college or university and an illegal immigrant can? if you cannot find a job after graduating you should go back to Mexico and apply your skills there that way there will be less illegals trying to come over. We gave you an education now go home with you mom an pop.
Everyone who has posted so far are the reason nothing gets accomplished in immigration reform. Deborah is angry and tired so she comes across as ignorant and all the rest of you are so quick to throw insults and fling the race card. You are all ridiculous. My wife and I spent years getting her green card after she arrived into this country legally! That is the catch. All the people who want to come to America can go to the US Embassy in Mexico City and apply like every other country on the planet. There is no excuse for the illegal migrants not to do that. I am a fan of having all nationalities here in America. Heck it is how we were founded. But sneaking into a country that would otherwise welcome you with open arms if you just did it the legal way is ridiculous.
These days the attitude in America is me, me, me. Now even the illegal migrants, not immigrant (that would constitute doing it the right way) have the same tone.
Great insight into what happens after undocumented students graduate from college.
@ deborah. It is so sad how ignorant you are. These kids parents leave their country of origin to live a better life they leave their house and everything they have. They risk their lives crossing the border just to have a better life not thinking of anything but only that they need to find a way to support their children. Those who said that if they pass the DREA Act it will be competition for the children who are legally here. It sure is because we show that we are willing to work hard for what we want. We dont care the struggles we have to go thru. I see students dropping out of school and they have the chance to go to college and have a job but they dont do it because they’re lazy. They let their problems become an obstacle for them and its so sad when ever i hear the reasons why they didnt go to college. I tell them my problems and tell them that am still going on and am not letting nothing stiop me. There is a God up there and i know that he will do something.
@jay…our parents leave our country or origin because there are no jobs you’re just another one in my ignorant list know your facts before you put a comment and try to sound smart. Am teling you kids who have it easy are so ignorant i bet if they were put in our shoes they wouldnt been able to graduate from highschool. They would of gave up because un like them we dont get money from the government to help us out and the very few scholarships there is offer very little money compare to the ones that can get.
reading through message/comment boards on articles/blogs regarding immigration can be a little masochistic. sometimes, i can’t grasp the level of fear and hatred that some people live and write.
this immigration issue is about much more than just illegal border crossings and broken laws. this is a humanitarian crisis. this is the story of impoverished peoples doing what they have to do to survive while managing in their place in our societal pecking order. this is a story that has to do with millions of people and the little choices and options they have. somehow, comfortable privileged people find a way of making it about themselves.
the majority of the people who come into the U.S. arrive here because they want to know what it’s like to live instead of just surviving. they come here to realize dreams instead of just hoping for tomorrow. they come thinking that they’ll become a part of just humane civilized nation. and we’re letting all those people down.
we’re letting ourselves down.
every time that someone like deborah, jay, or even douglas types out their half-hearted opinions about taking things back to how they used to be on a public forum like this, it’s a national embarrassment. we can’t take things back and still move forward.
what we’re doing to these kids here is a crime. they had no say in their arrival here, they grew up here, they underwent the same educational processes that most of our children went through. they became friends with our children. everything they’ve ever known and loved, everyone they’ve grown with, it’s all here. and now that they’ve gone as far as accomplishing and receiving college degrees, they’re still second class citizens? they’re supposed to “return” to their home countries as if they ever even made the decision to leave in the first place?
you people are talking about sending away some of best and brightest, some of our most fearless and hardest-working, some of our most loyal citizens.
you people ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
Saul, I don’t think you read what I wrote clear enough. I did not bunch children into the same group as the adults. They are not in control of what their parents do. I am not ashamed of myself. I am a red blooded man who loves the freedoms and rights of America. I think immigration is awesome! My wife is an immigrant! There just needs to be a way to adjust this issue without needing to completely shut off opportunity for Latins (not just Mexicans cross the border for a good life) and without taking a wildly liberal angle of total amnesty. The problem is that this has been occurring for so long that people have convinced themselves that it is okay for this to continue. It is not okay! It is illegal as of right now and should be treated as such. I hope something changes for the better for illegals and Americans, but until that happens don’t act like it is okay. Don’t pull on my heart strings saying that we need to help them. Let me tell you something Saul. There are enough suffering American citizens and their children who have nothing as well that need help. Anyone who really participates in charity, volunteering, donations knows you always make sure your home is in order before you start helping others. Guess what, our home is not in order!
The real sad thing here is that we are all arguing with each other over something that our leaders don’t care anything about. The only reason politicians bring this stuff up is to move us like pawns. If you believe that illegals should get amnesty you will vote for the politician who panders to you (not that they will do anything about it) and if you want something done to stop the floodgate of illegals then a politician will pander to you as well. They are playing are emotions against us to further their career. How many politicians have promised us to do something about immigration? How many? So far we have had nothing since 86’. How many have been elected since then on the promise of immigration. I am not going to chastise any of you. I don’t know you. All I know is that you are all passionate about how you feel, and that is the American way.
[…] has things like First Amendment wouldn’t have passed (or would be in passing) regressive laws like the Arizona Immigration Law. I know this is a bit beyond the review of the book but […]
Douglas: Let me first clarify the statemet you made about mexicans beeing able to just get in line to legally enter the US. I’m an immigrant that has yet not recieved documetation. I understand the issue because i live it every day. And saying you married an immigrant i’m surpriesed of how little you understand it. It is just not as simple as applying for a membership at costco like you make it sound… Pleople that come here illigaly dont do it because its fun and easy. Do you really think that someone would risk their life if it was as easy as getting in line for a greencard?? they do it for a reason. There is no way to make it in their countries… and those who take the risk to come here, and some how try to make it work are doing something to better themselvs and society have my respect. And let me tell you something about the remark about fixing problems home first. You can wait 100 centuries and guess what… problems will exist. problems will continue… u dont wait till a problem solves to go to the other one.. u do what you can with what you have… I’m an active meber at church. I volunteer in a hospital.. This is my second year of college on a biomedical engeneering degree… I work to pay because i get no finantial aid and help my parents arond the house.. but I feel like i need to take the time to coment this as a living testimonie because if i dint. I would be agreeing to what you said
I agree, my friend came from MExico because a family emergency in 1995 and they came in legal but the time pass and know they are consider ilegal in other words they have been here in the state working since 1996. The kids one was four and the other 6 has no fault of their own. The oldest could not go to college so she ended having babies. The four year old is know 18 wnat to go to college and become a nurse but colleges wont accept her even with a 3.5 GPA that she graduates next year.
I wish I can do something but the US wont allow none family sponser mexican. I dodn’t think is fair that a actris can go to africa, haiti and othe countries and adopt a child and an american can sponsor a child that don’t speak spanish because grow up in the US and this is all what she know.
I wish I could as a veteran of war I wanted to even adopt her but the lawyer said they wont let me because her parents are alive. They work so hard and afraied, they had drivers license and the state wont renew so they have to drive ilegal to go to work cleaning a job that many americans don’t want to do.
I was born in the Bronx and grow up in Puerto RIco so I have seen my share of been poor.
But to take their license and dont let them work is like killing them because if they go back to mexico they will be ponish and what about the girl she don’t know mexico or even speak the language?
Help! I wrote the congress, president, and even imigration the answer was their nothing we can do. Inmigration lady told me in the phone they can go back to where they came from they are here take work away from us.
If she had been infront I would have told her many things of how I felt because I use to own a cleaning business and I hired americans and all they did was take breaks to smoke in the the rooms that were no smoking allow and walk out in the job and leave me houses open because they didn’t want to clean or even clean after construction.
Can someone tell me why and can I get this kit to college. A florida resident
Query for Publication
I am Marc Trujillo and am the author of a new novel, Day in the Life of Francisco Garcia. It is a light story of a young Mexican national in an American prison for not having immigration documentation. It is presented to put light on a current poignant social issue of importance to many Americans today.
I am looking for an agent or publisher for this manuscript. I would like to send you a copy for your review if you let me know. Thank you for your attention.
Marc Trujillo
[email protected]
No Douglas, you’re wrong. what is going on right now cannot be stopped. when illegal people migrate to this country is not because they want to come here and suffer so much just for the hell of it. its because they have to in order to live not survive. i came to America when i was 5 years old. i am an illegal migrant here and have been for 13 years. never been arrested, never have done anyting to hurt anyone because that is not my purpose of being here. my purpose is to become part of this great nation and helping it become even greater by doing the right things. this is just one out of the million cases that are happening to people and are forcing them to illegaly migrate to the United States of America
i just want to ask you one question,
if the united states were like mexico, and mexico was like the United States. would you not want to migrate there for the reason that your family is barely hanging on to their lives in your home country because there are no opportunities there like in the nation? answer me that one question.
and of course your going to respond that we came illegaly and there are other ways to get in this country, but no. when your family has spent all their money on trying to get a visa to go to the United States and have been decliened untill they have no more money, you will be forced to illegaly migrate before you turn into a begger in the streets.
p.s i am from colombia.
The thing deborah is that i’m an illegal immigrant here and i am in high school right now and i do better then other people that where born here the thing is that i take advantage of what they don’t they are stupid and lazy but even like that people getting a only a 2.0 GPA get better jobs because they’re born here but me i get a 3.3 GPA but i still can’t get any good jobs
I’m an Asian high school student who will be going to a college next year.
Technically, I’m not an ‘illegal’ immigrant; however, I don’t qualify for any kinds of federal financial aid that requires SSN and citizenship because I am considered to be an undocumented student.
It is really depressing to think about how my status is blocking my dream to purse higher education even if I try harder than other documented students… and I can’t even talk about this problem with anyone.
I have 3.70 GPA and do extra curriculum with art that requires me to work so much more than other average high school students. I enter contests and apply for scholarship because I don’t want my dream to be an artist to be a burden to my parents. After trying and working so hard, all I can do is squint at the blurry dark future that lies ahead of me. It’s so upsetting that I don’t deserve the same opportunity as other students when I worked so much harder and want so much more than most students.
It’s such a harsh and difficult situation for students like myself to go through especially if it was not a choice of their own.
I had to face the barrier of language(and I still do), I can’t visit my family in my native country, I can’t study abroad, I can’t travel outside of the country, and I can’t get a job.
Yeah, I guess it’s my parents’ fault for not following the legal steps of immigration to begin with… but I understand why they made this choice and it was a choice that must have made in order to live.
The reason why I am commenting on this article is to let people like myself know that you are not the only one who is struggling with this problem. You are not alone.
I don’t know much about politics and economics, but I think commenting on this article, about how undocumented students do not deserve what other students deserve just because they are undocumented, is an act of ignorance.
We had to work hard and hide our tears for many many years.
Many talented young students had to suffer in this environment that adults have created for us. And we can’t even voice our own opinion because some adults who don’t even understand our situation argue and decide whether or not we deserve what we deserve.
It is so heartbreaking to know that people do not support us.
At least what we deserve from this country is support and encouragements for our achievements as for we are still growing young students filled with dreams and hopes.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who shared their personal opinion, regardless of how informed, valid, or what position was taken regarding the issue at hand.
I recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from a 4-year institution here in Florida. For those of you unaware of Latin Honors, it basically means that I graduated with the greatest academic distinction.
Through college, I worked harder than anyone can imagine, and sacrificed many things, with the dream of sometime advancing my degree and going to a prestigious institution for Graduate School. However, my current immigration status prevents me from working on maximizing the value of my degree, since I cannot be legally employed in this country.
The issue of illegal immigration, the DREAM act, and overall reform not only benefits Latin Americans who came here illegally. It would also benefit individuals from diverse nationalities that came to this country looking for better opportunities and better standards of living to offer to their children. One situation that I noticed, is the fact that many people that come to this country have NO IDEA whatsoever regarding the steps that they would need to take in order to legalize their status in America.
Some individuals argue that we come here to ‘take’ jobs. That is not the case. In fact, the increased competition benefits the nation as whole, since it forces its workforce to advance their education and become more competitive so they can add more value in whatever profession/industry they want. So, perhaps the fear of failure, intimidation, or overall laziness, is preventing ‘nationals’ from becoming more competitive. Consequently, instead of being proactive, these individuals choose to complain about the ‘Aliens’ taking jobs. FYI – Just because they come from another country, does not mean they come from another planet.
So please, if you are going to give your opinion, inform yourself.
Some people argue that they can’t go to college because of ‘x’ or ‘y.’ If an ‘Alien’ can get a 4 year education, what is stopping you? Perhaps you realized the value of a degree too late after you decided to raise a bunch of kids, while you drank beer and beat your wife because of your financial situation.
So please, it is never too late to get an education. Instead of complaining about the Aliens taking your jobs, become more competitive. Globalization already happened and your boss might not be a national. Perhaps he was an ‘Illegal’ once.
It is only a matter of time until legislators realize the amount of bright individuals waiting to be employed, the value that they could add to the economy, and how GDP would be multiplied, and we will have an overall immigration reform.
Patience is a virtue, and faith moves mountains.
God bless you all, informed or not, illegal or not.
An illegal college grad.
I am also one of these students. i learned English in less than a year, i came here when i was 9 because we we’re coming for a wedding. My situation is special, my parents abandoned me when i was 6 years old, and since then i have lived with my grandparents. I DID went through the process of trying to get a visa but in the paper of custody that my parents have they misspelled my name and that is why they didnt give me a visa.
The point is we didnt have a lot of money to go and correct this, and it was much cheaper to come illegaly.
I am not like many Citizen kids in high schools. I go to the top high school in my city with an accelerated block schedule that makes me work every single day. I am taking 5 AP classes this Junior year and i have a 4.4 GPA. i am in more than 5 clubs and have won science fairs. I plan on becoming a Microbiologist and some day work for the Center of Disease Control in America.
I know that even if i work harder than the average teen, i will have trouble getting into college, i know i will have even more trouble getting a job, but look at what illegal kids like me can do. We’ve demonstrated to be Better than kids who we’re born here. I am willing to help America with my job, maybe join the Army in studying diseases. Why would America give students like me and many others a chance. I grew up here, i consider this my country even in soccer tournaments i go for U.S.A i want to stay here because since i was little i loved school, and everyone has the right to get the best education possible, since the education in Mexico is worse than USA’s and i’ve proven that. Of course i would have to resign to go back if i cant get a job after college, but can’t i get a chance to become a active role in America, to help the people. I think this is unfair, we are not stealing other kids positions because if those kids REALLY wanted to get into a good college like i want to, then they have to WORK HARD, which most students don’t like to do. I just wish people would see the ways i do, and feel what im going through right now….(better go back to work on my APUSH homework) God Bless You ALl
Listen here, I’m absolutely TIRED of hearing “this is our country” & “they should speak English” blah blah blah. In history, white people were not the first people in what is now the United States. Native Americans, who are BROWN were here FIRST! And they’re not here to take jobs, matter of fact, they’re doing the jobs you people don’t want to do! It makes my blood boil when I go to school and I’m working my butt off to get somewhere in life and some white kids, yes WHITE kids are over there goofing off and interrupting class. It’s nonsense. Oh and if they’re suppose to learn how to speak English and not have an accent, then explain to me how the people in the South have accents, and people in the like New York have accents? I believe some people should bite their tongues because they’re becoming hypocritical and ignorant. And hey it is not bad if UNDOCUMENTED kids go to college. They’re paying aren’t they? Without Federal help! They came up here for a BETTER LIFE! Not to cause harm. I can’t believe how people can be so blindsided by the media. The parents brought their kids here for a better life, something that they probably couldn’t achieve back in their country. They can’t blame their parents, they should only thank them for giving them all they could, all that they were able to give. Isn’t that all what parents want for their children? I truly can’t believe the people who have the nerve to separate families. how they can do it and feel proud. Because that, man or woman, was a mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather. It is just heartless. And yes there are many that DO follow the law and do so much good to get at least a little out of it. WE DO PAY TAXES. So next time you see a homeless person and you see that HE’S white, remember there is a illegal immigrant, cleaning toilets, while that homeless man is out there asking for handouts. Geez, I want to SEE somebody who complain about immigrants to actually go into their shoes and live and go through what they have to go through to get through the day.
Hey There, To whoever stumbles across my voice, I rarely do this but I think I have to voice my opinion on this matter. 1. My situation is incredibly funny. While Americans keep blaming the Mexicans for this illegal crossing dilemma, do they think about those ‘undocumented kids’ that are a mistake of this system? I myself am an undocumented kid with a family complete with legal residents. Yes it sounds crazy but its true, you can have an undocumented kid living with a family full of legal individuals. What are you going to say now? My parents broke the law? They are legal, so what happens to me now? Nothing, According to the system’s laws I am undocumented like undocumented mexicans, no offense to them. Anyways like I said i am very much in the same boat as the rest of these kids. I found out I was undocumented when i tried to apply for my drivers license. Oh my, it really changed my life in high school, I still worked my butt off, graduated top of my high school class and now college. The dillemma is my parents although legal perform green card jobs that can barely put a dent in college bills, to make it worse, I reside in the state of Virginia which has NO sympathy for undocumented students.Although I’m not Latino, I might as well join in the struggle because im one of them. I’m stuck in a nasty dilemma, I can’t work because of my status and I get charged out of state tuition which is so insanely high, it’s not even worth it. I heard about the dream act and the main opposition point is that it rewards illegal immigration. Ok My parents came here legally and they are all legal except me so whose to blame in my case. Im not speaking for anyone but these immigration laws need to realize people get stuck in nasty binds they dont belong in. With that said, i fully understand the struggle undocumented latino kids go through. i know its going to get sorted out someday(it has to if im to graduate from college here) but i feel like this is god’s way of opening my eyes a little bit. With that said, undocumented kids that cross this, keep working and keep believing. no matter how hard it gets it’s going to be worth it. Worse case scenario, you get deported, you got a batch of skills that automatically put you ahead of anyone.. use that to your advantage..
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