Haitians attend a training session to provide information about cholera symptons and water safety.
Haiti, Latin America: Week in Review

Cholera Outbreak In Haiti Leaves 9,000 Hospitalized And Over 500 Dead

November 9, 2010 By Staff

Haitians attend a training session to provide information about cholera symptons and water safety.

Today in Latin America

Top Story — The massive cholera outbreak in Haiti has now claimed the lives of more than 540 people and hospitalized over 9000, with fears that the disease has spread to the capital of Port-au-Prince.

There are at least 120 cases of cholera being examined in Port-au-Prince, with varying reports on how many of these cases have been confirmed. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said there are 73 cholera cases in the capital, while health officials say that only 15 cases have been confirmed in Port-au-Prince, according to Al Jazeera.

There have been concerns over the outbreak reaching Port-au-Prince since it was first identified in the Artibonite River region to the north of the city in October. If confirmed, the bacteria could put an estimated 2.5 to 3 million inhabitants at risk.

Cholera has already spread to half of Haiti’s 10 regions and authorities fear that the outbreak might worsen due to the flooding and mudslides caused by Hurricane Tomas. The storm left 20 people dead, with 36 injured and 11 missing.

The flooding caused more problems for medical workers in Haiti’s impoverished countryside, as they struggle to fight the water-born disease after the flooding. Generations of Haitians use the Artibonite River and its tributaries to, cook, bath and wash clothing, thus risking incidental consumption.

“The two things we do not have enough here are bottled water and latrines,” said Ruben Petit, a local minister helping the workers educate the community, according to the New York Times.

Just Published at the Latin America News Dispatch

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