Tag: <span>Cholera</span>

U.N. Extends Controversial Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti

Top Story — The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) will be renewed for another year, the U.N. Security Council announced on Tuesday. The council, composed of 15 nations, […] Read More >

Haiti: Vaccination Project Launched To Fight Cholera Outbreak

Today in Latin America Top Story — Health workers in Haiti are beginning a pilot project to vaccinate rural Haitians against cholera, though the epidemic has already killed more than 7,000 […] Read More >

Haiti Cholera Outbreak Spreads To Port-au-Prince

Today in Latin America Top Story — The cholera outbreak in Haiti has now spread to the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, the Haitian health ministry said on Tuesday. Doctors in the […] Read More >

Cholera Outbreak In Haiti Leaves 9,000 Hospitalized And Over 500 Dead

Today in Latin America Top Story — The massive cholera outbreak in Haiti has now claimed the lives of more than 540 people and hospitalized over 9000, with fears that the disease […] Read More >

Sex Work Flourishes In Post-Earthquake Haiti

PORT-AU-PRINCE — When Shirley leaves her tent in the steep hills of Canapé Vert, she lies to preserve her dignity. As she goes, she tells her 14-year-old son that she […] Read More >

Cholera Outbreak In Haiti Widens; Fears Over Outbreak In Port-au-Prince

Today in Latin America Top Story — The cholera outbreak in Haiti has claimed the lives of more than 250 people and infected over 3,000 as fears rise that the […] Read More >

Cholera Blamed For At Least 138 Deaths In Haiti; Doctors Await Test Results

Today in Latin America Top Story — A suspected outbreak of Cholera in central Haiti has killed at least 138 people and sickened hundreds more in an overcrowded hospital. Patients […] Read More >