Tag: <span>Runoff</span>

Protests Sweep Haiti Ahead of Presidential Runoff Election

Top Story — About 2,000 protesters set up barricades, threw rocks and torched cars in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince on Monday ahead of a presidential and legislative runoff election scheduled […] Read More >

Haiti Presidential Candidate Refuses to Participate in Runoff Amid Fraud Allegations

Top Story — Haitian presidential candidate Jude Célestin will not take part in a runoff scheduled for Jan. 24 unless outgoing President Michel Martelly approves sweeping changes to prevent voter fraud, […] Read More >

Defeated Argentine Presidential Hopeful Expected to Support Center-Right Macri in Runoff

Top Story — Argentina’s November presidential election is headed to a runoff with no clear favorite. Reuters reported on Monday, however, that unnamed officials from the camp of defeated presidential hopeful Sergio […] Read More >

Haiti To Announce Preliminary Runoff Election Results Today

Today in Latin America Top Story — Today Haiti’s electoral council plans to announce the preliminary results from the country’s runoff election held last month. The United Nations peacekeeping forces […] Read More >