Dispatches, United Nations, Venezuela
Chávez Reiterates Support For Full Palestine U.N. Membership And Statehood
September 21, 2011 By Roque Planas
UNITED NATIONS — Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez reaffirmed his support Tuesday for the creation of a Palestinian state, in an open letter addressed to Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon.
Employing a strident tone, the Venezuelan leader pledged full support for Palestinian statehood and recognition as a full member of the U.N., while condemning what he referred to as a “genocide” perpetrated against the Palestinians by the Israeli government.
“It is upsetting and painful that the same people who suffered one of the worst examples of genocide in history have become the executioners of the Palestinian people,” Chávez wrote.
Chávez also faulted Europe and the United States for the Palestinian situation. “Yankee double standards are violating international law in Libya, while allowing Israel to do whatever it pleases, thus becoming the main accomplice of the Palestinian genocide being carried out by the hands of Zionist barbarity,” the Chávez wrote.
Chávez’s comments come as the United Nations General Assembly meets in New York. The international body is expected to address the question of Palestine’s membership, though the United States has threatened to veto if the Security Council agrees to consider extending Palestine full membership.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro will head his country’s delegation to the U.N. Chávez, who is recovering from a fourth round of chemotherapy administered this weekend in Cuba, will not attend the meeting of the General Assembly.
Image: Chavezcandanga @ Flickr.
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Good justification. I like to make out the print Marcy
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